6th International Conference

Archaeometallurgy in Europe 2024

11–14 June 2024 in Falun, Sweden

AIE 2024



Please note that the conference will have sessions on two locations:
First Hotel Grand: Trotzgatan 9-11, Falun
Dalarnas Museum: Stigaregatan 2-4, Falun
See map here.

Download the program as a PDF file here


Organised by

Jernkontoret logo

Sign up for continuous updates and information: aie2024falun.se@reedmackay.com

Congress secretariat

Reed & Mackay

E-mail: aie2024falun.se@reedmackay.com

Phone: +46 (0)18 18 35 35 (Tuesday-Thursday at 9.00-12.00)